
About the Invisible Warriors


The IW team was started in spring of 2002 by a small group who

had been playing together on a public server. As we started to

build the team one of our first steps was our name and as a

group of Christians we wanted something to indicate what we believed,

thus came the name Invisible Warriors,

named after those who serve God by fighting Spiritual

Battles on a daily bases, God’s Angels; the unseen warriors.


Next came the team tag  -^IW^-  with the -^ ^- on each side representing

Angel Wings. This is by no means indicating we are angels, it is

bringing together the significance of the meaning of the IW.


Though the IW team is not a Christian only group, it is made up

mostly of Christians along with a few who are pastors.

The first and foremost idea behind the formation of this

team was to expand the opportunities to witness for

Jesus, not in a closed building but out in the world

reaching as many as possible. Many have felt that the

internet was a bad thing, but we have used it as an avenue

to reach out to people all over the world, talking with people

in multiple countries all within the period of minutes.

We also felt that it was a way to show skeptics that it is

OK for Christians to have fun, play games, and fellowship

in this type of environment, keeping in mind that talking about and

witnessing for Jesus comes first.


From the start our team has been against cheating and we have taken

a group stance against those who bring this type of evil to the game;

and yes I said evil for cheating and deceiving in any

capacity is considered a despicable sin.

To combat cheating we introduced programs such as

Counter Intelligence, Match Watch, Missionary and

Reverend; all designed to limit cheating and hopefully

encourage those who feel it necessary to cheat to win

to try something more important, honesty and fair play.


We invite you to stop and a join us in a time of fun

and fellowship, but most importantly know you

can stop in and talk to us about Jesus, your Lord and

Savior any time. And if you do not know Jesus, I encourage

you to stop in and let us introduce you to Him.




Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully

administering God's grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, he should

do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves,

he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all

things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory

and the power for ever and ever. Amen.

1 Peter 4:10-11




On July 2014 the Wolf Battalion merged with the Invisible Warriors. As a result

The team tag was modified to reflect the merge, -^IWB^-

